Niger Map and Flag

Niger Map and Flag
Niger is the largest country in West Africa. Here you can see it on the map, as well as its flag. The upper orange band on the flag represents the northern regions of the Sahara Desert. The center white band represents purity and the Niger River. The Lower green band represents both hope and the fertile regions of southern Niger. The orange circle in the center represents the sun and independence.

Explore Niger Via Google Earth!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New to Niger for Newbies

I have realized that, should any of my readers be relying on me as their only source of information on the country of Niger, I should probably add something more substantial. I'm learning as I go, which means that information will be slow in coming and I will inevitably leave out things that others think is important or relevant. So! I have added new toys to Niger for Newbies for my viewers to play with and learn from while I gather enough information to actually turn into a meaningful post. Up and to the right is a list of headlines that involve Niger. It's self-updating, which means that each day new stories will be there to enjoy. Directly above is Google Earth. It is already focused in on Niger, and you may use the arrows and zoom tools in the upper left-hand corner to navigate and explore right from this blog! So, what's my advice to you? Pick a news story, read it, then come back here, hop on Google Earth and find where it happened!

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